I was just reading in the forums that sarahwearsskirts, our wonderful new Etsy Street Team go to gal, was posting this thread about how to start a Street Team on Etsy.
Since I have started 2 Street Teams with http://www.crescentmooncreation.etsy.com, CCCOE, and JET, I thought it might be helpful to add my two cents to the mix!
The first thing I recommend doing before you start anything, is to sit down and decide what the goal is for your team. It's the first question everyone will ask you, and it's good to have a prepared statement ready. Also, choose a name before posting the thread. It's hard enough to get a group started, but using the democratic process for everything, can hold your group up for weeks! If you don't know what name to pick, then of course, post for ideas.
After you've decided a name and goal, contact admin immediately! It takes a very long time to get a Street Team going and a page for it on Etsy. You need to get a jump start on this right away. Once Etsy recognizes your team you will be required to submit all your information to them. Here is a direct link to Etsy Street Teams on the blog, you will find the contacts and more info. here:
Okay, so you've got a name, goal, and hopefully applied for Street Team recognition on Etsy. Now comes the fun! Start a thread calling for members, ask them for their shop names and URLS. I no longer ask for regular emails, many people feel spammed when they receive a lot of group messages, and the forums are just as good for getting the word out. It is very important that you keep a seperate, updated list of members. You will be referring to this all the time and admin likes to receive a good copy for the Street Team page.
So now you've got a Street Team, what's next? Well, depending on the goal's of the team, you want to start getting to work. I think the most important thing for all teams is to promote yourselves. There are so many ways to do this on the web, you should have no problem getting started. I use blogs, myspace, and my own personal blog and email list. Encourage all your team members to do the same. Remember to ask for help, let others keep track of individual sites, otherwise, it can be very overwhelming.
Another great way to market your group is to have a contest, sale, or giveaway. It encourages people outside of your team to visit your blogs, shops, etc.
I am more than happy to mentor anyone who wishes to start a Team on Etsy. I am currently running the JETs with Tanya AKA crescentmooncreation, and I am helping where I can with EFA. I also belong to Etsy Veg, CCCOE, and I am assisting gerrysjewelrybox to start an Etsy Victorian Team here:
If you need to get in touch with me outside of Etsy, please contact me through me business email:
Good luck to everyone starting a team! It's a very rewarding and fun experience.
Monday, July 30, 2007
How to start/run a successful Street Team on Etsy
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 8:44 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 2:34 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 21, 2007
BOGO, buy any supplies tonight only and get supplies free! With ALL purchases, no matter how big or small, I will include a FREE bag of beads, findings, vintage flowers, etc.! All the good stuff:0

**Free bracelet must be of equal or lesser value, mix and match, buy as many as you like!
Just put "SNS" in message to seller, wait to pay, and I will reinvoice through PayPal:0
Vintage Lucite Stretchy Bracelets
Thanks so much!
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 13, 2007
I have decided to open up a supply store on Etsy! I'm very excited to share all of my wholesale and discounted supplies with you:0
My shop will feature vintage, and unique pieces at reasonable prices. Please stop by and take a look:
Thank you!
JewelrybyTaraPosted by Jewelry by Tara at 11:08 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 5, 2007
JBT Top Ten Do's and Don'ts of Etsy
The Don'ts
- One thought on the forum, enter with caution!! Do not get caught up in what other seller's are doing or saying. Just be positive, add your items to posts, and for god sakes do not talk about religion or politics!! Remember, everything you say on the forum, stays on the forum forever!!
- If you like recycling, that's fine. But if you send me a package that's dirty, disheveled, and not presentable, you will lose out on future sales.
- Please, oh please, do not tell us too much about your personal life in your store or profile! Customers buy things because they feel that it will fit into their home, life, etc. They don't want too much background information, or they may decide it's a personality clash with your products.
- When describing products, customers don't want to read about your personal musings on nature, colors, and childhood stories! They really want a great technical description, so they don't have to convo you!
- Pictures say 1,000 words, so even if you take wonderful artistic photos, please put pictures that show all the angles of your actual product.
- Don't ask your customers to contact you regarding shipping prices, choices of product, or customization. Spell it out for them somewhere on your site. I can guarantee that almost 100% of people (myself included), will run screaming from asking a seller questions.
- Over promotion happens! It is extremely immature and irritating, to see people on MySpace telling us every time they have a new color for a $5 pair of earrings! This applies to email too. Sending out a monthly newsletter or an appropriate sales bulletin, will do the trick.
- Do not let your shop ever have less than a full page of listings. Imagine going into a shop and only seeing 5 items? If you don't immediately like one, it's over for that store.
- When answering customer questions, please use real words and terms. Even if they are a seller on Etsy, we all like to see grown-up behavior. No funny symbols, just direct answers, and polite words.
- Please do not pretend you're an expert on everything! I am not an expert on anything! I admit when I've mislabeled, shipped incorrectly, or sent you a broken item. Accidents happen, we're all human, customers will respect your honesty more than excuses.
- If you want to make part-time money on the internet, work full-time. Want full-time income? You need to work 24 hours a day/seven days a week!
- Blog, MySpace, Stylehive, Ebay, Technoratti, have your own personal site, etc. Live it, breathe it, and update it daily!!
- You will always be an artist, even if you have reasonable prices:) Buy wholesale!
- Do unto others... I would say that the first four months I was on Etsy, I spent 75% of my time helping others with Street Teams, graphics, listings, etc. You will be greatly rewarded for this and it feels good too:)
- Join and/or start a Street Team.
- You may hear people complaining about avatars, banners, etc. Stick with what represents you. Only you know what your company and style is.
- Prices are personal and you shouldn't change them often. Different things command different amounts, but you should never start out with insanely high prices. Building a good customer base that trusts you takes years! Please don't scare customers off, list something for everyone's market.
- Do take into account that if you want sales on Etsy, you might not have a product that is popular now. If you don't care about this, then please don't complain in the forums that you have no sales. If you do care, study stylehive, Etsy, and other trendy places for an idea of what is going on this season. FYI, I am not suggesting you copy others, just take a look at colors, season, lifestyles, and trends.
- Have cut and dry policies in your store that are not too wordy. Don't change these unless it's necessary. Customers like consistancy, and they don't want a different shipping cost or return policy every time they visit you.
- Give the customer their way. You may hate this particular customer, but you have to do it. They don't know you're seething inside, and it usually has a very positive outcome.
These are some of my best tips. I have to tell you that I wish I'd read them when I started! I have done most of the don'ts and I continue to remind myself not to repeat them! Thankfully, most other human's are forgiving:)
Hope some or all of these help you out, and good luck to everyone on Etsy!

Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 12:03 PM 56 comments