Thursday, April 26, 2007
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 6:41 PM 1 comments
Click on the banner to visit:
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 3:20 PM 1 comments
Please check it out and leave me a comment:)
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 7:22 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Thank you Kristie!
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 5:40 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 23, 2007
Here's some great etsy picks;
Glittery Velvety Spiderweb Bag Gothic
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 9:07 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 20, 2007
Open Letter to Etsy Admin:)
Dear Admin,
Could we please have our forum where we exchange ideas w/eachother and post our personal information closed off to customers? I think a seperate chat room for customers that we could also post too would be more professional.
This would definitely promote a more positive etsy vibe for all customers, including the ones that are easily offended. Thus, giving etsians less to argue amongst eachother about.
I appreciate your consideration in this matter.
Thank you very much,
cc: All Etsy Shops (Please Comment Here)
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 8:22 AM 1 comments
Monday, April 16, 2007
Here are some great examples from some wonderful etsy sellers;

Doves For Peace

Rose Lily Earrings

paz pace peace
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 6:56 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 9:52 AM 2 comments
Thoughts on Etsy Treasury
I feel this is a relevant post today, in regards to who we pick for the etsy treasuries we curate. This is written exactly as sent to me by
Check out her shop, her cranes are amazing!
" I don't think Etsy is a place that will ever be fair to the satisfaction of many, in terms of the echelon of artistry, and whose works gets picked when and how. Some people are new to their craft and some people have been practicing for decades. Is there a higher level quality of art work made by a person who has worked on their art for many years? There is a great deal of difference and it shows..even digitally. As a member of CCCOE I will try to get treasuries into the future because I really love curating. Professionally I have curated for many years. Every other treasury I will dedicate a treasury to CCCOE artists. I would not have any fun at all curating if I just curated CCCOE artists when there are ETSY artists world wide. That would be torture for me. And no fun at all.
Art is one of the most competitive fields to play on there is. You have to develop a pretty tough hide to play on ETSY. You have to get tough to participate in any art arena that involves the public. Who gets picked to be in treasuries will never be fair. The choices are due to natural selection... legislating curatorial choices on ETSY to be any more fair than it already is, will never work, people would stop playing."
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 9:52 AM 0 comments
"Defending My Life" (I mean my shipping prices:)
"It's My Shop and I'll Charge What I Want To"
or "A Study In Etsy Controversy"
There is no longer a need to deny it, you want to call me out! Yes, I charge shipping! Is there a 12 step program on etsy I can attend that will convince me I'm wrong?? I absolutely love my customers and I feel the need today to defend my shipping practices.
When I started on etsy at the end of January, I was coming off a 2 year run on my own site. I had learned the ins and outs of internet promotion and pricing the hard way. Looking for a community to host my site and give me a better sense of belonging, I turned to etsy. Now etsy is not like having your own site or listing in an auction. But, you still call the shots for the policies and services you offer. Therefore, I thought it would be perfectly reasonable to continue charging my usual shipping fee that I had done for 2 years previous to this move. Unfortunately, etsy sellers felt that because they knew the actual postage for every single time zone on the planet, that I was overcharging. Nevermind that everyone else on the web is charging triple what most etsy sellers are. Or that all the high end jewelry sellers on etsy are completely outraged by low prices. How dare I ship for more than $1 at the most???
So now, I'd like to break it down for any of you that care to hear my side. I am here to please my customers and hopefully that will always include the wonderful sellers on etsy. However, I do have huge overhead costs. Let's take shipping a $2 pair of earrings for example.
Bubble Mailer - .35
Silk Pouch - .25
Plastic Bag - .05
Business Card - .05
Thank you Card - .05
Sticker - .05
Other etsy seller promos I insert - .05 (Exta Postage Costs)
Actual postage to U.S. (w/out etsy promos) - .39
So just my mailing materials alone cost me about $1.24. I am only charging $2 and this is for unlimited items! Most of my packages require more postage than this and supplies have cost me up to $8 out of pocket.
Let's consider my other costs in general,
Listing on etsy - .20
Materials - anywhere from .75 - $20.00
PayPal fee ?
Etsy selling fee ?
Would I be making any money at all were I to charge less than $2? Definitely not and there would no longer be a way for me to continue selling my jewelry.
I've also had some complaints regarding my overseas charge of $5. Well, let's be honest, you really have to make sure something is packaged well and shipped correctly when going to a different country. Since my prices are already more than reasonable, do you want to take the chance of the Post Office losing your item? Or would you rather have your jewelry at reasonble prices and reach you in tact?
Finally, I'd just like to say that a lot of people on etsy have sent me convos when I started regarding my prices being too low and my shipping too high. I am not trying to make up for my prices with higher shipping costs. If I did that, I would have to charge $10 to all U.S. customers! The reason for my low prices is simply this, I have been making jewelry for over 7 years now, I have great wholesale suppliers and I don't like to overcharge my customers. You can expect the same quality of jewelry in my shop as in a higher priced one.
Thank you for listening and Happy Crafting!
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 9, 2007
Butterfli's Designs

Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 8:13 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Newest JBT Sexy Treasury
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 2:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Fight For The Cure
This was just sent to me by one of my best friends... It is an issue that effects us all and I thought it would be great if everyone would spread the word:)

I have been deeply moved by the thought that I might make a difference in the world.
Breast cancer runs in my family and I want to do what I can to help find a cure. So, I have decided to do something wild and crazy....
I am going to be walking 60 miles!!
I'm walking in November for a cause devoted to helping women discover breast cancer early enough to beat it and committed to finally finding a cure.
I have a lot of training to do in the next few months and I will be letting you know how it's going from time to time.
However, as a condition of participation, I must raise at least $2,200. Proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund.
That's where you come in.....YES! , this is a plea for your emotional and financial support. J
Just a dollar for every mile that I'll be walking would be wonderful and help me reach my goal. However, I thank you in advance for whatever you can give.
Just click the link below to go to my personal fundraising webpage and donate online.
If you’re curious how the fundraising is going, Click the Link!
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
I am very excited to announce that Jewelry by Tara has been picked for a feature on Indie Quarter. To read our little blurb please follow the link:)
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 2, 2007
*NEW* Etsy Artists Featured Items of The Week
This week I am running "Skulls" as the theme.

Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 9:11 AM 1 comments
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Posted by Jewelry by Tara at 7:14 AM 0 comments